Adventures of an underfunded newbie woodworker.

This blog serves to document the building of my workshop and some of the things I do there. This is mostly for my own use, but if others stumble upon it and find it interesting, then all the better.

Building My Workshop Part 2

Monday, January 30, 2012

Originally posted on Shopsmith Forums on 12/22/2011

Between the rain and having to go into work on my days off (was supposed to be off all this and next week, but had to work Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday and it rained Sunday, and today, so Wednesday has been the only day I've had to work on it) I got the sub floor finished.

For braces between the floor joists, I used landscape timbers. My father-in-law's other son-in-law's mom works for a timber company and they get bundles of those timbers really cheap. He brought a bundle to my FIL a while back and they have just been sitting there under a tarp since. I was afraid I might run short of 2x lumber, so I asked and was told I could use as many landscape timbers as I wanted. I think it took 24 and I barely dented the stack.

I set up a little jig with my miter saw.

144 of those...

By the time I got to the end it was too dark to take a picture (I had to have my wife hold a flashlight so I could drive my last few nails) so that one was from when I took a break about half way through.

Hopefully the rain will stop and I can finish the floor tomorrow.


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