Adventures of an underfunded newbie woodworker.

This blog serves to document the building of my workshop and some of the things I do there. This is mostly for my own use, but if others stumble upon it and find it interesting, then all the better.

Building My Workshop Part 7

Monday, January 30, 2012

Originally posted on Shopsmith Forums on 1/8/12

The wife got home giving me enough daylight to get my lights hung and about 6 outlet boxes nailed to studs. I went with the cheap 48" florescent shop lights. I just like that light and absolutely hate the CFL bulbs and don't ever want to be forced to use them where I can avoid it. If I could swap out all the fixtures in my house to avoid CFLs I would do it.

The shop lights have cords with plugs instead of being directly wired. I briefly contemplated cutting the plug off and splicing them in to the wiring. But I quickly decided the smarter thing to do would be to put an outlet on the ceiling to plug them in to. And now I can at least plug one of he lights into an extension cord until I get the wiring done.

And I adjusted the floor plan at least another 6 times while I was hanging the lights.


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